feb sale

Saturday, March 12, 2011

CT Call

Hello ladies!

I have some CT spots available

Would you like to join my CT??

All of my CT rulesand requirements are very simple*** I'll recruit you not less than 6 months. You are free to go after that if you want to.
*** I need 1-2 layouts per new kit or 2-4 layouts a month from you featuring 2-4 different old products, posting them at 2lp, DDD, DST and other galleries (if you like ).

*** I appreciatepromote of my stuff by any way

Generally all I need from you - it's your love to my kits and your creativity while you play with them

If you are interested , please send me a mail to a-liya@yandex.com
subject: CT Call

Please insert :
- your Full Name and Username
- a bit of personal information about yourself and a notewhy you'd love to be in my CT and a link to your gallery.
- a list of your current CT commitments

DEADLINE: March, 22nd

PLEASE READ! I WILL NOT be sending out rejection letters. I really do not like hurting people and I don't know which kind of words will be pleasant enough to tell that I refuse reception of their statements. So just after the deadline I'll introduce the new CT girls on my blog

Thanks for looking!

Elena (A-liya)

1 comment:

Celular Espião said...


Se você precisar de uma escuta telefônica de Celular, saiba que somos pioneiros na confecção destes equipamentos. Com o nosso telefone espião você faz a sua escuta de celular ou grampo telefônico de forma totalmente segura e oculta e ainda pode receber as suas gravações por e-mail.