Adelina and me are prepared for a new gift for you. It will be a romantic and delicate kit for the most sweet and touching moments in your life!
Today I give you QP made using our new set. Link is hidden under a preview.

Have a wonderful Mom's Day this weekend!
AHHH so delicate! thanks Sweets this is beautiful!
Happy mother days to you too ;-)
How georgeous! Thank you for this awesome surprise, sweetie :). And happy Mother´s day to you too :)
hugs and kiss
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Uncategorized post on May. 08, 2009. Thanks again.
Dear A-liya,
I've just got a new keyboard with ciril alphabet to be able to send you a huge thank in your mother langugage too. (I need setup it.) XOXO Margitka from Hungary
Thank you so very much.
Happy Mother's Day to you.
Hi Aliya !!
Thank you for this sweet gift ! I wish you a happy Mother day too !!
Emilie (MissVivi)
Какой у тебя нынче красивый блог!!! А страничка какая получилась, просто отпад!
Поздравляю тебя с майскими праздниками, прошедшими и настоящими!
Очень понравилась ваша страничка!
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