My new kit Exclusively for... is in store now with 33% off!
The fresh and soft colours of this kit combined with elements that are unique and very versatile making this kit equally suitable spring, baby, portrait and many other layout themes.

These LO's was made by my wonderful CT!

And this frame is my little gift for you!
My first birthday as designer was very happy with them! Thanks! I really appreciate it!
Someone reduces my rating every day :( :( :(
It not the most important thing in my life, but it upsets a little. OK, it upsets me strongly enough :(
I do not know why my blog is bad for this person, I simply receive denying...
English is not my native language. So sometimes I do mistakes. Sometimes I do very ridiculous mistakes :) Please, forgive me! But I hope, you understand me a little ;)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Quick Page(s) post on Feb. 21, 2009. Thanks again.
I love your work...thank you so much for your generosity.
Привет !Предлагаю поиграть в игру
Just wanted to tell you I think your work is absolutely beautiful. And I have no problem with your English - I can follow it just fine. Don't let some "idiot" ruin your day!
Stop by my blog,I have 2 awards for you!
Hugs xox
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